
Friday 15 March 2013

One Day World War One Exhibition In Blackpool - Monday 18th March

 'Taster' exhibition of Female Poets of the First World War and Inspirational Women will be held at the Parks Art Deco Cafe in Blackpool's Stanley Park on Monday, 18th March 2013 from 12 noon until 4 pm.

Included will be biographical details and examples of poems from:

Margaret Rowntree from Fleetwood
May Sinclair who was born on The Wirral
Mary Webb
Cicely Fox Smith
plus some examples of female poets from other countries
and a few more surprises. . .

The usual self-service snacks, meals and drinks will be available from the Parks Art Deco Cafe.

A special afternoon tea is also available but if you would like that please book in advance by calling 01253 395191.

Parks Art Deco Cafe
West Park Drive
Stanley Park

Tel.: 01253 395191


Saturday 2 March 2013

Latest update - 2nd March 2013

I hope to be adding to this list over the coming months:

Edith Cavell - British - nurse
Gertrude Bell - British - secret agent
Katherine Scott - British (suggested by Stephen Cribari) - sculptress who worked with the WW1 facial reconstruction surgery team
Elsie Janis - American (suggested by Matt Jacobsen of - singer and entertainer who travelled to France to entertain the troops
Inez Millholland - American - journalist 

Rose O'Neill (1874 - 1944) American - artist, musician, business woman, sculptor - inventor of the Kewpie dolls, which were popular gifts during WW1
Mary Riter Hamilton - Canadian - artist who painted the aftermath of WW1 for three years

Dick Kerr's Ladies Football Team - British

Again, if anyone has any suggestions to add to this list, I should be delighted to hear from you.