
Sunday 5 March 2023

Ada Reeve (born Adelaide Mary Reeves, 3 March 1874 – 5 October 1966) - English actress of both stage and screen

Found by Historian Debbie Cameron and shared with her kind permission

Born in East London on 3rd March 1874, Ada was the eldest child of a minor theatrical family. Her father was an actor and her mother had been a dancer. Ada was just four years old when she made her theatrical debut in the pantomime Red Riding Hood. She was one of the most popular British singing comediennes of all time, and considered to be a headliner in variety and vaudeville.  

During World War 1 the immensely popular stage and music hall star actively embraced war work as an independent, self-appointed fundraiser. She used her fame to raise funds to help those affected by the war, putting on variety shows in aid of ‘Our Blinded Heroes’, the Red Cross and other good causes. She also entertained injured troops in the military hospitals and camps. She travelled and entertained soldiers in camps and hospitals in Britain, Egypt, India, Australia and New Zealand. In 1917-18 while touring Australia and New Zealand she used her cachet as a star performer to directly appeal to audiences to donate funds for the Anzac Club and Buffet for Diggers on leave in London. She became known as “Anzac Ada” and when in London, she sang at the Anzac Buffet.

Ada also entertained injured British troops, for example, in Netting, Scotland in late 1915. Furthermore, during the week commencing 29 May 1916 she put on a variety entertainment in Birmingham “to raise a substantial sum to lighten the load of our Blinded Heroes and ensure their future welfare and comfort.”

Photo: “With the Diggers at her home Malta Cottage in Norton, Isle of Wight, 1915. 

Some of Historian Debbie Cameron's research can be found here:

Group Remembering British Women in WW1 – The Home Front and Overseas