
Saturday 5 October 2013

Louise Weiss

In her memoirs, Louise Weiss (1893 - 1983), one of the first people to suggest that a united Europe may be the best way of preventing wars and founder of the pacifist weekly "L'Europe Nouvelle", describes with horror what happened in Paris on Armistice Day:

"Soon I was carried along by a crowd shrieking with joy and hate.  To me it seemed quite awful. Worse! It seemed stupid.  Here a victory was being celebrated that had seemed indeed worth while and in which I too had believed, and towards which I had made my own small contribution as best I could. But little by little, this victory seemed to me undeserving of celebration.  The people here seemed to be savages.  They glorified their own lack of wisdom and the triumph of aggression."

From "Memoires d'une Européenne, translated by Agnès Cardinal and featured in ""Women's Writing on the First World War" (pp. 329 - 330) edited by Agnes Cardinal, Dorothy Goldman and Judith Hattaway and published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK in 1999.

That is surely why we advocate COMMEMORATION - definitely not celebration of the Centenary years of The First World War.