
Sunday 17 November 2013

In memory of WW1 Munitions Workers - The Devil's Porridge Museum need our help

The Devil's Porridge Museum, which commemorates the state of the art WW1munitions factory in Gretna needs our help.  They have been short-listed for the People's Millions and will go head-to-head with another good cause on Border TV. Eastriggs Primary School have combined forces with their volunteers to make a short film to be broadcast on 26thNovember 2013.

They need as many votes as possible to win £50,000 towards our new inter-active museum which is set to open next year. It will ensure that the amazing story of how Eastriggs and Gretna were built in WW1 for the greatest munitions factory of the time, is told to future generations. It will also be a lasting commemoration to those who died in both world wars.

You can phone in your support from 9.00am to midnight on Tuesday, the 26th of November. The number will be available on the People's Millions website from early morning and also on Border TV News at 600pm where supporting films will be aired.

Please, please vote (10p) and vote often. Thank you.

Photo from The Devil's Porridge showing volunteers stirring a replica "Devil's Porridge"  - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle coined the phrase.  Munitions factories were vital to the cause of winning the war.  The soldiers said that those who worked in munitions factories faced as much danger as those who were fighting.   Many munitions workers were killed or injured.
You can also Like their Facebook page here

The Devil's Porridge Museum, Daleside, Butterdales Road, Eastriggs, DG12 6TQ.