
Monday 7 April 2014

Corrigendum from Francesco

I have just received this e-mail from Francesco which explains a little more.  

“I was very happy to read the brief description of my book on your weblog. I have to say you, however, that there are two small mistakes (not very important): I'm not at the University of Tours but at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, National Center of Scientific Research), in an Laboratory, CITERES, in Tours, depending from two main institutes: the CNRS and the University Francois Rabelais of Tours.

The second one is in the definition of Western Maghrib:  it is not Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya (these countries are all in the named Maghrib) but only Morocco, Western Sahara and, in the case of my book, a little part of Mauritania (the Adrar region).

Unfortunately there are no translations of my book, but I can send you an English article that summarizes some of his chapters (particularly those on the Sahara), which appeared a few years ago in a book under the direction of Professor Ali Abdullatif Ahmida.

I have not a personal website but I'm working for this. You can find me in the website of my Laboratory:  "

Many thanks for that Francesco - your book is a definite must for any serious student of WW1.

Francesco’s book can be ordered from the Harmattan website:


(CNRS-Université François Rabelais, Tours)
Équipe EMAM
MSH Val de Loire

33-35 allée Ferdinand de Lesseps  
37200 TOURS

Ferdinand de Lesseps - he's the Suez Canal man isn't he?