
Wednesday 30 March 2016

Princess Aneta Andronnikova - Russian Nurse in WW1 - died 30th March 1916 in the sinking of the Russian Hospital Ship 'Portugal'

Princess Aneta Andronnikova from Georgia was among the nurses and medical staff whose lives were lost when the Russian Hospital Ship ‘Portugal’ was sunk by a German submarine on 30th March 1916.

‘Portugal’ was built for the French Company Messageries Maritimes for use on their Brazil and River Plate Line.   She was chartered by the Russian Army during the First World War for use in the Black Sea and re-fitted to carry 500 wounded.  The crew were Russian and French.  

On 30th March 1916, ‘Portugal’ was towing a string of barges to collect the wounded and transport them from shore to ship and then to hospital.  She stopped because one of the little ships was sinking and was hit by a torpedo from a German submarine.

Also on board were 20 Nurses of Mercy, 3 doctors, a pharmacist and an administrator.   Among the nurses was Anna Feodorovna, Baroness Meyendorff.   The ship was clearly marked with red crosses.  In all, 115 people lost their lives, though a small number were rescued by a Russian destroyer.

If anyone has any information about where the medical staff and crew from the ‘Portugal’ are buried or anything about the life of Princess Aneta Andronnikova please get in touch.