
Friday 1 July 2016

Commemorative First World War Exhibitions

In response to recent enquiries regarding our commemorative First World War exhibitions, our exhibition panels have been specially designed and are produced in such a way that venues wanting to hold exhibitions can print them out as they wish, depending on space. We find that A2 or A3 works well but it does depend on the space available. Blackpool Library printed some of the panels in a very large format for their exhibition in 2014.

The panels are sent out free of charge as pdfs to anyone wishing to organise an exhibition. We can send the list of those researched so far to anyone interested in organising an exhibition - the headings covered are Female Poets, Inspirational Women, Fascinating Facts and Forgotten (male) Poets - each of which has a corresponding weblog.   There are also books containing the same information as the exhibition panels.  So far we have Volume 1 of Female Poets of the First World War, Volume 1 of Inspirational Women which is called 'No Woman's Land' and, recently arrived the book of the Somme Poets exhibition with some of the poets who were on The Somme during WW1.

If you know of anyone who would like to organise an exhibition, just get in touch.

Photograph:  How Blackpool Library printed out some of the panels for their 2014 exhibition.