
Monday 17 October 2016

Sue Robinson of the Facebook Group and website Wenches in Trenches The Roses of No Man's Land, with her band of loyal, willing helpers, is campaigning for recognition of the women who sacrificed so much during the First World War.   Sue has already succeeded in getting a seat placed at Lochnagar Crater in France and would like to have a commemorative statue placed somewhere in the UK.

Sue tells me that there is to be a granite memorial to all the women of the First World War placed at Lochnagar Crater in France on 11th November 2016.  

Find out more about Sue's work on the Wenches in Trenches website and or Facebook page:

Lochnagar Crater also has a website

Photo: by kind permission of Sue Robinson - one of the Wenches with the Lochnagar Crater memorial seat, France 
Lucy London