
Tuesday 29 November 2016

Marie Baudet - French artist and nurse killed during an air raid

As you know, I am researching the women who were involved in WW1 from all nations for commemorative exhibitions.  Marie Baudet was French - born in Tagnon (Ardennes).  She lived in Rheims and painted the everyday scenes she saw there. Influenced by Gaugin, her work was exhibited at the Salon d'Automne in Paris in 1907 and 1913.   Marie is featured in Tim Cross's book "The Lost Voices of World War 1" (Bloomsbury, London, 1988) but I have not been able to find out much about Marie on the Internet.   She was apparently killed during an air raid on Rheims while nursing the wounded in either 1916 or 1917.

If anyone knows anything more about Marie - and has a photograph of her - please get in touch.

Marie's lovely painting of a market in Rheims is for sale via