
Thursday 22 November 2018

Inspirational Women of WW1 Exhibition held in Oswestry, Shropshire, UK

Commemorative WW1 events took place recently at the Qube in Oswestry, Shropshire, UK and I have just received a report and photographs about some of those events: 

"The launch and exhibition at The Qube had many visitors but as there is still so much to research and add they have decided to have a closing exhibition as well March/Early April 2019 when the project finishes - so the A3 plates will have a second airing!

The Women's Day of Female Poets and Inspirational Women was one of the best days in the whole Festival! Brilliant feedback and some readers read from your books! H & H as a project actually purchased copies for our poetry discussion groups I ran and for 'coffee table reads' in exhibition space!

Dr Gladys Mary Coles - delivered a wonderful lecture on Mary Webb. "

With thanks to Jan for the feedback and photos.