
Sunday 13 January 2019

With grateful thanks to the Revd Stuart Jermy, Vicar of St. Martin's of Tours, St. Martins and St. Johns, Weston Rhyn for finding the grave of Eugenie Elizabeth Teggin and taking these photographs.

Staff Nurse EUGENIE ELIZABETH TEGGIN, No. 2/Res/T66 of the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Staff Nurse Eugenie Teggin died on 25th December 1918, at the age of 28. Her parents were John and Mary A. Teggin, nee Wollam, of The Willows, St. Martin's Moors, Oswestry, Salop.  Eugenie had a brother called Harry, b. 1888 and a sister called Ada, b. 1883.  Eugenie was buried in St. Martin’s Churchyard, St. Martin’s Shropshire, UK -  Grave Reference: In old ground North East of Church. 

Wherever possible I try to contact the churches where WW1 women are buried and I ask for them to be remembered in prayers.  

I am extremely grateful to everyone who helps me with my commemorative project.