Friday 11 October 2024

Jessie Scorgie, ARRC - WW1 Nurse

With thanks to Historian Lawrence Taylor for the following information 

Jessie Scorgie served as a Nurse in the Scottish Women's Hospitals [British Committee French Red Cross] in Kraguievatz, Serbia from July 1915 to February 1916. She took up the post of Sister at the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve General Military Hospital, Colchester until July 1919 when she was awarded Associate Royal Red Cross. 

On leaving the QAIMNS Jesse took up a post at the London Homeopathic Hospital.

From the “Nursing Journal”, April 1921:

“London Homeopathic Hospital, Great Ormond Street, W.C.

Miss J. Scorgie has been appointed Sister of a Women’s Surgical Ward in the same institution. She was trained at the Royal Infirmary, Manchester, and has been Theatre and Ward Sister in the same institution, and Sister in the Scottish Women’s Hospital, Serbia. She served four years in Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve, and holds the Royal Red Cross (Second Class) and the Serbian Cross Good Samaritan.”

Photo from “Manchester Evening News” 9 December 1955, – Jessie’s retirement 


Colchester Military Hospital was one of several army hospitals in England, UK. It closed when the QEMH Woolwich opened in 1977 and was demolished some time later. Local army medical needs were met, and still are, by the new Medical Reception Station (MRS) Colchester.


Lawrence Taylor, 7 October 2024

Photo from “Manchester Evening News” 9 December 1955, – Jessie’s retirement